Saturday 5 October 2024

Bearish aspects scrutinized

 Issue No. 191 – Sat 05 Oct 2024

 Gold struggles to stay at high levels.


We expect significant downward adjustments from end Sep 2024. The reasons are fully explained in the preceding post, and we reiterate the bearish features below:

For the coming 2-3 weeks, there are 2 bearish patterns on the Geocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris, and 3 sharply bearish patterns on the Heliocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris.

Geocentric bearish aspects

The 2 bearish geocentric aspects are:

Bear #1 - October month

[Jupiter 75 N Node] i.e. [Jup FT Sesquare N Node] afflicting Jup FT.

Bear #2 - 14 Oct 2024

Sun transits Left 1200 Jupiter, or [Jup AT Opposition Sun].

This aspect is made stronger because Jup AT are already afflicted by Mercury:

   On 09 Oct 2024 [Jup AT Opposition Mercury].

Jup AT are therefore effectively de-stabilized.

Heliocentric bearish aspects

The 3 heliocentric bearish aspects are:

Bear #3 – Black Hole

16 Oct 2024 [Jupiter Conjunction Mars] which is diminution of bullish Mars influence.

Mars is a tiny planet compared with super Giant (very massive bearish Jupiter). As Mars approaches Jupiter, bullish Mars influence is sucked away by Jupiter. Mars is a pillar to support a rising market. Now Mars bullish influence disappears, the market should fall.

Bear #4 – Jupiter is heavily attacked

19 Oct 2024 [Jupiter Semi-square Earth], where Earth rushes towards Jupiter to hit it through a hard angle of 450. Jupiter is thoroughly agitated and it emits deleterious influence to suppress the market. In addition, an invigorated Jupiter makes the Black Hole feature more harmful. The market tumbles.

Bear #5 – Bearish aspect [Close aspect]

The close aspect is [Jupiter 75 Neptune] or Close [Jup FT Sesquare Neptune].

This aspect will be exact on 10 Nov 2024, but in 2nd half of Oct, it is bearish already. Though it is moderately bearish, its bearish influence (when added to the bearish influence of Bears 1 2 3 & 4) cannot be ignored.

We expect the current downward Gold adjustments to continue, with a market low on 23 or 24 Oct 2024 (a few days after Jupiter Semi-square Earth).


Saturday 21 September 2024

Gold correction is due

 Issue No. 190 – Sat 21 Sep 2024

 As expected, Gold rallies to record high of US$2,625 per ounce on Fri 20 Sep 2024.

Gold prices may stay at this lofty price level in early part of the week commencing Mon 23 Sep 2024, but a downward correction is due.

There are 5 bearish reasons for falling Gold price (from end Sep 2024) which are:

Bear #1
On Solar Chart 2024-09-23, 2 bearish features have developed;

 Solar Chart 2024-09-23 is again presented below, to explain one more significantly bearish feature.

The bearish features of the last Solar Chart are more conveniently presented with a Heliocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris.

[Uranus Semi-square Jup AT] is made very bearish by Earth interacting with Jup AT and with Uranus, in early Oct 2024.

There is a more bearish feature on Solar Chart 2024-10-16 which is a Black Hole aspect (Bear #3):

Now study a geocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris to locate 2 more bearish features:

Bear #4 De-stabilization of Jup AT (Jupiter Aft Trojans) by Sun
    Bear #5 De-stabilization of Jup FT (Jupiter Aft Trojans) by N Node

Bear #4 occurs when the Sun (on 14 Oct 2024) transits 1200 in front of Jupiter (as shown above). Since Jup AT (Jupiter Aft Trojans which are recession asteroids) are 600 behind Jupiter, the deleterious aspect is: [Jup AT Opposition Sun].

Bear #4 is made more bearish because Chiron is posited at 600 behind Jupiter, which is [Jup AT Conjunction Chiron]. Chiron is represented by a Circled Letter K.

Bear #5 is effectively bearish because N Node is posited at 750 behind Jupiter to make 1350 with Jup FT. The bearish aspect (for whole month of October) is:
     [Jup FT Sesquare N Node].

FORECASTS for period of 4 weeks from end Sep 2024

With so many bearish aspects occurring, we expect stocks to CRASH.

falls significantly, but much less severely than Stocks. Gold is a safe haven after all.


Saturday 7 September 2024

Sharp rally in coming weeks

 Issue No. 189 – Sat 07 Sep 2024

In the past weeks, Gold moves erratically, hovering around US$2,500 per ounce.

After consolidation of the past weeks, Gold is ready to advance sharply. We project buoyant Gold prices for the coming 2 weeks.

Let’s study Solar Chart 2024-09-14. The aspect is indicated by a Red Line, which is [Uranus Conjunction Mars] as viewed from the Sun. This is a bullish aspect because the Red Line linking up Uranus and the Sun is a Gravity Force, with bullish Mars moving from Right to Left through the Gravity Force. In the process, bullish Mars is made active and its bullish influence is brought out.

This bullish pattern, together with those mentioned in last blog post, ensures that the coming 2 weeks are significantly bullish for Gold.


After 9 days, on Solar Chart 2024-09-23, 2 bearish features have developed;

Solar Chart 2024-09-23 is again presented below, to explain one more significantly bearish feature.

The bearish features of the last Solar Chart are more conveniently presented with a Heliocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris.

[Uranus Semi-square Jup AT] is made very bearish by Earth interacting with Jup AT and with Uranus, in early Oct 2024.

We opine that the Gold Rally will be due for downward adjustment in the week commencing Mon 23 Sep 2024.

There are more detrimental bearish features in Sep 2024 which will be discussed in the next post.


Saturday 24 August 2024

Gold very bullish end Aug-end Sep 2024

 Issue No. 188 – Sat 24 Aug 2024

 Despite adverse planetary patterns enumerated in the last post, Gold have risen to a new high, as below.

Gold will rise sharply (for 4 weeks) from end Aug to end Sep 2024, as explained in the Ephemerides below:

The medium-term bullish aspect is [Saturn Semi-square Pluto]. This aspect is invigorated by fast moving planets:

08 Sep 2024 [Saturn Opposition Sun]
    18 Sep 2024 [Saturn Opposition Mercury]
    25 Sep 2024 [Saturn Semi-square Venus]. Semi-square = 135 degrees.

There are more bullish aspects on the geocentric Neptune-centered Ephemeris.

Neptune is a Musician. When Neptune interacts with Venus (Dancer) and/or with Mercury (Dancer), sweet music is produced and Gold rises.

There are 2 periods of Melody (Sweet music):

Period #1
(End Aug/early Sep 2024)

  28 Aug 2024 [Neptune Opposition Venus]
  09 Sep 2024 [Mars Square Neptune]

The Melody of Neptune + Venus is protected by Mars (a significantly bullish planet).

Period #2
(End Sep/early Oct 2024).

25 Sep 2024 [Neptune Opposition Mercury]
    03 Oct 2024 [Neptune Sesquare Venus].

As Neptune is close to the Ecliptic, so Gold’s up-thrust inspired by Melody is sharp.

When we study both the geocentric Saturn Ephemeris and Neptune Ephemeris, we get a sharply bullish period for Gold – from end Aug to early Oct 2024. But read CAUTION below.


There are several powerful bearish features from end Sep 2024. The rise discussed above should terminate earlier, from end Sep 2024, and a new down phase enters. We’ll explain the down phase in the next post.
