Saturday, 28 April 2018


Issue No. 017  (Saturday 28 April 2018)

We expect Stocks and Precious metals to advance. However, prices wobble.
The bullish periods are marked on the geocentric Mars-centered Ephemeris below. It is given in last issue, and is reproduced here. 

 Red circles are placed on the Graph where Mars is stressed at its hard angles (00, 450, 1350 and 1800). These hard angle interactions stimulate Mars. A stimulated Mars is bullish on Stocks and Precious metals.

The red circles (stressed points on positive Mars) appear from end Apr 2018. The markets are expected to rise significantly from end Apr 2018.

But there is one hurdle - Insulation.

Insulation is best explained by studying Solar Chart 2018-04-22 of last issue. An additional thick green line is plotted to join 2 Giant Outer planets (Uranus & Jupiter). The green line is a powerful Gravitational Wall (“GW”). The GW is powerful because it is at the vicinity of Sun.

Alternatively, we can draw mentally a Line of Best Fit among 3 Giants – Jupiter, Sun and Uranus. The Line of Best Fit is a similar powerful GW that separates Earth from Mars & Saturn.

The Wall is a strong partition which segregates Earth (above the green line) from 2 positive planets Mars and Saturn (they are below the green line). Thus investors on Earth are denied (or partially denied) of bullish influence of Mars and Saturn. The bullish influence below the green line cannot (or have difficulties to) penetrate the Wall to reach Earth investors. This is INSULATION of bullish influence.

The really bullish time should commence when Earth (in her anti-clockwise motion as indicated by the thick arrow) moves past the green line (so that Earth is on the same side of Mars and Saturn). It will take about 2 more weeks from now. From that time, Earth will be in direct communication with bullish Mars and with bullish Saturn.

We therefore revise our forecast of the sharply rising markets (for both Stocks and Precious metals) from mid May 2018.

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Ready to go

Issue No. 016  (Saturday 14 April 2018)

Two weeks ago, I opine that stocks should recover (so will precious metals) because the negative phase is over. The price charts below confirm both financial products have found bottoms, and they are edging up.

High Inflation Environment has been put forward to explain the anticipated rising markets. We have examined how (positive) heliocentric Saturn’s orbit is intensely stressed, and how Mars joins the positive actions.

We now study from a different perspective – to see how Mars is made active from the geocentric Mars-centered Ephemeris.
Red circles are placed on the Ephemeris where Mars is stressed at its hard angles (00, 450, 1350 and 1800). A stimulated Mars is bullish on Gold & on Stocks.

The red circles (stressed points on positive Mars) appear from end Apr 2018. Accordingly, we expect the sharply rising markets to start from end Apr 2018. Mars is stressed continually for several months (to end Sep 2018) and this creates a bullish phase for many months. Even in a highly positive environment, there are setbacks which we’ll discuss later.

As depicted on Solar Chart 2018-04-22, a bullish Mars 45D Triangle is present:
Uranus.Mars.Neptune = 450.

This bullish feature should advance the commencement of the rising trend to an earlier date, from around 20 Apr 2018.

[a]    Stocks and Precious metals will rise earnestly from around 20 Apr 2018.
        Precious metals are more bullish than Stocks.
[b]    Among Precious metals, Silver is more bullish than Gold.