Saturday, 21 July 2018

Theory of Evolution

Issue No. 023  (Saturday 21 July 2018)

I’ve just published an ebook which can be accessed by clicking (Control + Click) the title below:

        Theory of Evolution (an Innovative Approach to Stock Market Forecast)

In the last issue, I forecast sharply rising markets for DJIA and for Spot Gold.
DJIA has gone up significantly, while Gold falls then rebounds in the last 2 trading days. 

I re-post last issue’s geocentric Mars-centered Ephemeris showing consecutive stimulation on positive Mars from end July to end Sep 2018 which is a favorable period for BOTH Stocks and Gold.

I am giving a precedent to validate the assertion. The precedent indicates consecutive motivations on Mars by Inner planets (like the present scenario), and stocks rally.
 End of post


Saturday, 7 July 2018

Fireworks ahead

Issue No. 022  (Saturday 07 July 2018)

Trade conflicts between US & China cause market jitters. But the markets are set to rally sharply.

The rally period covers 3rd week of July 2018 to end Sep 2018, as indicated on the geocentric Mars-centered Ephemeris below.

From end July to end Sep 2018 there are 2 positive medium term features:

        [Uranus Sesquare Mars]. Sesquare = 1350.
        [Neptune Square Mars]. Square = 900.

Short term agitations on Mars are by fast moving planets (Sun, Mercury and Venus) behind Mars and moving towards Mars. The salient aspects are:

27 July 2018 [Mars Opposition Sun]. Opposition = 1800.
         This aspect is powerful. Expect rise to begin 1 week before exact Opposition.
07 Sep 2018 [Mars Sesquare Sun]. Sesquare = 1350
09 Sep 2018 [Mars Square Venus]. Square = 900.

These bullish spots are marked by red circles and red ellipses.

Stocks and Gold will rally from 3rd week of July 2018.