Saturday, 23 February 2019

Ceres (Bearish) and Chiron (Bullish)

Issue No. 040 (Saturday 23 February 2019

Stocks continue to rise, but the coming week (week commencing Mon 25 Feb 2019) will be sharply bearish.

The anticipated bearish week can be explained on the Jupiter-centered Ephemeris below.

The heavy dots are the positions of CERES which is the largest asteroid in the Asteroid Belt. Ceres is tiny (relative to the planets) but sharply negative when stressed. Abrupt fall in stocks is associated with Ceres.

In the last week of Feb 2019:
 Sun is 900 (“Square”) in front of Ceres.
Ceres is 1350 (“Sesquare”) in front of North Node.

The position of the Moon is inserted on the Ephemeris. Moon moves from Right to Left at about 140 a day.

When Moon transits over Ceres on Tue 26 Feb 2019:

Moon acts on Sun at a hard angle of 900, which is 3rd Quarter Moon.
Moon acts on N Node at a hard angle of 1350.

Bearish influence of Ceres is invoked in full (through enhancement by Sun and by N Node), and stocks are expected to fall abruptly.  Moon moves on (from Right to Left) and it crosses over bearish Jupiter, further depressing stocks.

A plunge in stocks in the coming week is followed by a rally from early Mar 2019 (for about 2 weeks), owing to the stimulation on positive Chiron.
Chiron is a small solar system body (or minor planet) orbiting the sun between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal, it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs—bodies orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt.
Chiron is bullish. Chiron’s influence is invoked most readily through Mercury and Venus.  I liken Chiron to a flute (musical instrument producing sweet music). When joined by Mercury (Singer) and Venus Dancer), melody is generated and stocks rally.

To examine the interactions of Chiron with Mercury and with Venus, study the Neptune-centered Ephemeris (above).

Chiron is about 150 in front of Neptune. Three (3) perpendicular red lines are drawn on the Ephemeris, separated by 450 (a hard angle). The interactions between Chiron with Mercury and Venus are stated below the Ephemeris.

We see also that Mars (positive planet) joins the interactions.

As the interactions occur in first half of Mar 2019, we expect a rally during this period.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Opposing forces

Issue No. 039 (Saturday 09 February 2019

Stocks continue to rise, though they fall back in the last 2 trading days.

The market has been supported by heavy stress on positive Mars and heavy stress on positive Saturn, through 2 Giant neutral Outer planets, at a hard angle of 450 (Semi-square):

Two (2) positive Triangles are depicted on Solar Chart 2019-02-14:

    Mars 45D Triangle: ∠Uranus.Mars.Neptune = 450.
    Saturn 45D Triangle: ∠Uranus.Saturn.Neptune = 450.

Bullish Mars and Bullish Saturn are at the Vertices of the Triangles, and they are simultaneously stressed (pulled) by Uranus and by Neptune.

However, in the coming 2 weeks the market is susceptible to attacks by bearish forces.

A line is drawn from Jupiter to Uranus. That line intersects Jupiter’s orbit at a point marked POIS. The POIS (Point Of Intense Stress) is at the opposite side of Jup AT (Jupiter Aft Trojans – recession asteroids), to form:

    Jup AT Opposition POIS.

There are opposing forces in the coming 2 weeks.  I expect the market to fall because of [Jup AT Opposition POIS], but the fall is much lessened by the 2 positive Triangles described earlier.

We can see a big rally from early March 2019 for about 3 weeks.  The reasons for the rally will be discussed in the next post.