Thursday, 30 April 2020

Chiron is positive on Stocks

Issue No.074  Thursday 30 April 2020

Chiron was discovered in 1977 by the American astronomer Charles Kowal and classified as an Asteroid with the number 2060 (it is also a Minor planet). It is about 100 km in radius and travels in an unstable, eccentric orbit that crosses that of Saturn and passes just inside that of Uranus with a period of 50.45 years.

Chiron is much smaller than the Moon. Moon’s radius is 1,737 km.

Chiron is bullish on Stocks. When appropriately stimulated, it is bullish for 1/2 day.

Since Chiron is extremely small (in comparison with planets), its influence goes undetected most of the times.

Analysis techniques
[1] Chiron has to link up with fast planets of the Inner System or with N Node (i.e. with Mercury,  Venus or N Node) at a hard angle (00, 450, 900, 1350 or 1800).

[2] Moon acts on the hard angle aspect to arouse its positive influence.

The first step is to find out Chiron’s angles with Inner planets and with N Node.
Draw lines parallel to Chiron (we have done that by drawing several blue lines) – spaced at hard angles of 00, 450, 900 and 1350.

It is obvious that in mid Apr 2020 Chiron and Mercury meet at 00 which is:
 [Chiron Conjunction Mercury].
This aspect is potentially positive on stocks, but its bullishness has to be brought out by Moon transits.

Relevant transits are listed next to the Price Chart below:
Fri 17 Apr 2020
  @01:53 [Chiron Semi-square Moon]. Semi-square = 450.
  @09:04 [Mercury Semi-square Moon].

Dow Jones Futures rise more than 800 points at opening of Asian markets. The rise is also recorded at NY opening.
Gold does not respond to [Chiron Conjunction Mercury].
The good news
“DOW Futures rally more than 800 points after Gilead coronavirus drug (Remdesivir) reportedly shows effectiveness. Wall Street shares are on track for a higher opening on Friday after a report suggests the drug developed by Gilead Sciences has shown positive results in a clinical trial, giving investors hope that a treatment could ease the pandemic (COVID-19) and open up the global economy”.


We need more examples to prove an energized Chiron is bullish on Stocks.

It is clear that in Mar 2020, N Node is 900 in front of Chiron. The bullish aspect is:
   [N Node Square Chiron]. Square = 900.

Moon transiting hard angles of Chiron can arouse its bullish influence and Stocks rally. Moon transits (of 04 Mar and 13 Mar 2020) are marked on the Ephemeris.

 Voila! Stocks rebound on these 2 days. The rebounds are sharp, even during a collapsing Stocks market.

 DJIA prices are tabulated above.  The 2 rebounds are up 4.5% and up 9.3% respectively. These are no mean achievements (in a Recession) credited to Chiron.

We have proved that Chiron is a bullish minor planet. When Chiron is stimulated through fast moving planet (including N Node and Moon), Stocks rally.


Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Projections for May & June 2020

Issue No. 073  WEDNESDAY 29 April 2020

Gold and Stocks are directionless in recent past. 

From early May to 27 May 2020, the markets are bearish. Gold is more bearish. Stocks are less so because of sporadic rises caused a Chiron. Chiron (discovered in 1977) is a minor planet orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. It is bullish on Stocks (for 1/2 day) under specific circumstances.
From end May 2020 for 10 calendar days, both Gold and Stocks rally.
From 2nd week of June 2020, Stocks enter Bust Phase II (i.e. Stocks worldwide collapse again). Phase I has occurred in February/March 2020.

DISCUSSION ON [AA] – Early May to 27 May 2020
There are 4 bearish features. 

Bear #1
As marked on Solar Chart 2020-05-06, Earth moves to the same longitudinal degree of Jup AT (Jup AT are 600 behind Jupiter).

This is [Jup AT Conjunction Earth]. Bearish influence of Jup AT is transmitted to Earth Investors directly.

Bear #2
Mars is moving towards the same longitudinal degree of Jupiter. Exact Heliocentric [Jupiter Conjunction Mars] is on 16 May 2020.

Mars is between Sun and super Giant Jupiter. The mass of (bearish) Jupiter is so immense that tiny (bullish) Mars influence is sucked off by Jupiter, robbing Mars of his positive force. We call it BLACK HOLE effect. It is bearish on Gold and on Stocks because investors are deprived of bullish Mars influence during Conjunction.
Bearish period: 16 May ± 2 weeks = early May to end May 2020.

Bear #3
Black Hole feature is effective.
On Solar Chart 2020-05-23 draw a line to link up Uranus and Jupiter. The line (Uranus-Jupiter Line of Gravity) crosses Jup FT (600 in front of Jupiter). It is heavy affliction of Jup FT. Jup FT are very severely afflicted because Neptune also joins the action in [Jup FT Conjunction Neptune].

Bear #4
Refer again to Solar Chart 2020-05-23. Earth moves to 450 behind Jupiter to form Heliocentric [Jupiter Semi-square Earth] – Jupiter is attacked by Jupiter at a hard angle of 450.

The Semi-square aspect is bearish for 3 reasons:

[i] An agitated Jupiter is bearish. His bearish influence is conveyed directly to investors on Earth.
[ii] An agitated Jupiter makes Jupiter active and powerful. The Black Hole formation (Bear #2) becomes more harmful.
[iii] Jupiter is the chief afflicting member in Bear #3. Jup FT are thoroughly de-stabilized by an energized Jupiter.

With the exception of the Bird’s eye view feature -- Uranus-Jupiter Gravity Line afflicting Jup FT – other bearish aspects are alternatively described on the Heliocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris below:

One must not be carried away by numerous Negative (Bearish) Influences. At the same time, there are opposing Positive (Bullish) Influences.

Bullish feature #1

The 1350 angle to the left of Saturn is occupied by Mercury and by a Retrograde Venus (Venus moving backwards) in May 2020. Stocks respond to this bullish feature and rise.

Bullish feature #2

 Chiron is letter K enclosed by a circle on the Ephemeris above. In astronomy, it is written as small letter k on top of a circle.

Chiron is a positive minor planet. To find bullish Chiron feature, draw a line (on the Ephemeris) 450 and 900 parallel to Chiron.  The red circle in May 2020 indicates a bullish aspect being formed between Mercury and Chiron. Exact aspect is:
    08 May 2020 [Mercury Semi-square Chiron].

Stocks rise significantly for 1/2 day upon this aspect being goaded into positive action by Moon transits.  A full listing of aspects is appended below the Ephemeris. We see (from the red underlines) that Stocks rise on Thu 07 May and on Mon 11 May 2020.
Bearish influence from early May to 27 May 2020 seems more powerful, and market should plunge. But Stocks respond to the 2 bullish features (above explained) more readily. We therefore expect:
[1] Gold to plunge.
[2] Stocks fall (on balance) but there are sporadic rises.

Chiron is a new object in the Solar System. I will elucidate Chiron’s positive nature by giving precedents, in a separate post a few days later.

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Saturday, 25 April 2020

Anatomy of a Global Depression

I have just published an eBook ANATOMY OF A GLOBAL DEPRESSION.
You can view first 33% of the text free.

For download, please click HERE.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Earth Changing Partners

Issue No. 072  Friday 17 April 2020

Gold and Stocks both rise significantly in the past 2 weeks.    

But the trend is about to change, as revealed on the 2 Solar Charts below.

On Solar Chart 2020-04-15 Earth is 900 behind Saturn, the bullish aspect is:
        [Saturn Square Earth]. Square = 900.

Four (4) days later, on 19 Apr 2020, Earth moves forward 40 (refer to the thick arrow on Solar Chart 2020-04-19) to 750 behind Jupiter. Since Jup FT (Jupiter Fore Trojans) are 600 in front of Jupiter, Earth is (75 + 60) = 1350 behind Jup FT. The bearish aspect is:
        [Jup FT Sesquare Earth]. Sesquare = 1350.

Earth has been dancing with Saturn (positive planet), and Earth will soon dance with Jup FT (bearish asteroids).  This is Earth Changing Partners, - from Bullish Partner (positive Saturn) to Bearish Partner (negative Jup FT asteroids).  Investors on Earth feel the change directly, and market trends change also.

Therefore, the rebound of past 4 weeks is terminating, and the markets are will fall in the coming weeks.

It seems both Gold and Stocks move in tandem (though they don’t most of the times).

I’ve written an eBook The Pandemic Phenomena.
Please click for free DOWNLOAD.

Friday, 3 April 2020

Possible Resurgence of Gold Bull

Issue No. 071  Friday 03 April 2020

Gold and Stocks both rise in the past 2 weeks.

In the last post, I expect Gold to rise to Fri 10 Apr 2020. I now extend the rise 1 more week to Fri 17 Apr 2020 because of arousal of positive Saturn as depicted on Solar Chart 2020-04-15 (below).
The Earth moves to 900 (a “Square”) behind Saturn, and makes the aspect:

     Wed 15 Apr 2020 [Saturn Square Earth].

This arouses bullish influence of Saturn, which will support Gold’s rise to 17 Apr 2020.

There is a strange development for Gold as described on the Charts below.
In Issue 068 (dated 27 Feb 2020), I opine that Gold should fall from 2nd week of Mar 2020 because of disintegration of a bullish pattern. The bullish pattern is:

    Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar
    Bullish influence is much enhanced as the Long Bar passes Jupiter’s Curved Space.

As Jupiter moves to the mid-point of that Positive Bars (in 2nd week of March), the bullish spell is broken, and Gold’s rise should terminate.

Gold does fall sharply.

However, we now observe some changes in the planetary pattern. Jupiter does go to the midpoint, but then faster Mars carries the Positive Long Bar (again) to the Right hand side of Jupiter. The Long Bar (Red line on the Solar Charts) imperceptibly edges away from planet Jupiter. The Positive Long Bar again benefits from being in Jupiter’s Curved Space. This is revival of the very bullish pattern.

The important condition requires an active positive Mars and an active positive Saturn (Mars and Saturn are the 2 components of the Long Bar).

On previous post (of 24 March), I’ve explained how Mars is made active. In this post, [Saturn Square Earth] of Solar Chart 2020-04-15 makes an active Saturn. Accordingly, Gold is expected to rise significantly in the coming 2 weeks.

This has more relevance to Gold, not so much to Stocks.

I’ve written an eBook The Pandemic Phenomena.
Please click for free DOWNLOAD.