Sunday, 8 October 2017

Warped Space-time

Issue No. 002

[A] Giant Outer Planets

The planets from Jupiter to Pluto are Outer planets. Of these 5 planets, 4 are Giants.

Among the 4 Giants is a super Giant (Jupiter). Jupiter is the super Giant because Jupiter’s mass (317.83 compared with Earth =1) is greater than the combined masses of all other planets of the Solar System.

[B] Warped Space-time
A very massive object (such as a Giant Outer planet) in space produces space-time distortion, or warped space-time. See illustrations below.

[C]   Strongly stimulated Mars interacting with TWS
A Bird’s-eye view of the Solar System of 03 Dec 1979 is appended.

LEFT Solar Chart 1979-12-03 draws the gravitational lines of force between Sun and Giant Outer planets.

The Red Triangle of RIGHT Solar Chart 1979-12-03 indicates the location of the TWS. The TWS is enclosed by Sun Jupiter & Saturn which are the most massive bodies in the Solar System.

A pre-requisite for creating phenomenal inflation is a strongly stimulated Mars. The condition is satisfied by Push & Pull on Mars, as explained below.

The Green Line between Jupiter & Sun is a negative (bearish) gate. As long as Mars does not touch (or moves too close to the Green Line, inflation prevails.

This process (Mars approaching TWS, Earth approaching Mars, and Mars being pulled by Giant Outer planets) lasts several months during which period inflation is rampant.

Silver is most responsive to the inflation generated. Silver sky-rockets from Aug 1979 to Jan 1980 (gaining 500% in 5 months). The spectacular rise is recorded on the Price Chart below:

To aid our analysis, we also study the heliocentric views of the planetary patterns during this extremely bullish period. These are the positions of the planets as viewed from the Sun (helio is Sun). The theoretical observer (on the Sun) faces Mars all the time, and he records (every day) the positions of other planets to the left or right of Mars. A Mars-centered Ephemeris is the result.

The thick horizontal blue line of the Ephemeris tells us the positions of all the planets expressed as off-sets from Mars on 03 Dec 1979. For example, on that day the Earth (thick red line) is about 450 behind Mars, and Earth is moving towards Mars. This is an alternative way to describe the positions of the planets of Solar Chart 1979-12-03.

The 4 Giant Outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are on the LEFT of Mars. Mars is moving towards all these Giant planets (or the Giant planets are moving backwards to meet Mars). The 4 Giant planets together form a TWS, and Mars is getting closer and closer to the TWS, and interacting with the TWS. Mars is relatively tiny (Jupiter is 2,970 times more massive than Mars). The interactions make a wildly oscillating Mars.

Mars is the God of War. It is also the co-Ruler of Precious metals (the Ruler of Precious metals is Pluto). A wildly oscillating Mars produces inflation. At the same time, Earth is moving towards (and she interacts with) Mars. Huge inflationary influence is released and transmitted to Earth, as in 1979/80 when the Hunt Brothers corner the Silver market.

Both Gold and Silver soar during hyperinflation. We choose Silver (a more volatile metal) to endorse our argument.

[D]   A Hyper-inflationary Scenario
Huge inflation is generated through TWS-Mars interactions. Precious metals (Gold and Silver) benefit greatly. In particular, Silver’s rise is astronomical. The conditions for the extremely inflationary scenario are:

Condition (1)
A TWS is formed by Sun with 3 or more Giant Outer planets. Bearish Jupiter must be present.
Note:  Jupiter is a bearish (deflationary) planet, but its presence in the TWS is crucial because of its extraordinary mass. The interactions to produce a highly inflationary environment are made between inflationary Mars and neutral TWS (which amplifies inflationary Mars influence), not between Mars and deflationary Jupiter.

Condition (2)
An active Mars moving towards, and interacting with the TWS by approaching the TWS.
Note: Mars should be energized to produce inflation.

Condition (3)
Fast Earth (investors or speculators are on Earth) moving towards Mars to take in the abnormal bullish influence generated by (2).

Condition (4)
Mars is further stressed by Giant Outer planets.

Caution  Mars should not move too close to (i.e. in Conjunction with) bearish Jupiter because Jupiter (the super Giant) can suck away the positive influence of Mars (Mars is tiny in comparison with Jupiter). Silver tumbles when investors on Earth receive less (or they are deprived of) the inflationary Mars influence.

[E]   Application to forecast Silver for coming 4-5 months
LEFT Solar Chart 2017-12-04 draws the gravitational lines of force between Sun and Giant Outer planets.

RIGHT Solar Chart 2017-12-04 marks the TWS (most emphasized region) by a Red Triangle formed of Sun, Jupiter & Saturn. A strongly stimulated Mars is a pre-condition to bring out immense inflationary force.

We also study the heliocentric views of Mars and the Giant Outer planets.

The thick horizontal blue line on the Mars-centered Ephemeris (below) describes the positions of all the planets expressed as off-sets from Mars on 04 Dec 2017.

The 4 Giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus) are on the LEFT of Mars. Mars is moving towards these Giant planets which form the TWS. Mars is getting closer and closer to the TWS, and interacting with the TWS. Tiny Mars during the interactions oscillates wildly, producing huge inflation which is transmitted to Earth (faster Earth is moving forward and “pushing” Mars). We expect Gold and Silver to soar.

[F]   Three Phases in the Silver market

There are 3 phases for Silver in the coming 13 months:

Phase I
Soaring market from present to mid Feb 2018.
I expect Silver price to double during Phase I, from current price of US$16.80 to US$34 per ounce.
Despite the price guesstimate, one should place more importance on timing.

Phase II
Sharp pull-back in Mar-Apr-May 2018.

Phase III
Another soaring period from Jun through Nov 2018.

[G]  Next issue (2 weeks later)
In the next issue, we’ll discuss another precedent - the sky-rocking Silver market which gains 170% in 8 months reaching a peak of US$48.70 an ounce on 28 Apr 2011. The logic applied in the analysis is similar to that of the 1979/80 Silver super Bull.

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