Issue No.056 Saturday 14 September 2019
Having reached temporary tops, both GOLD and SILVER plunge in
the last 10 days.
We are in the midst of a super bullish market for Precious
Metals. It does not mean GOLD and SILVER go up every week. When the Achilles’
Heels (Jupiter Trojans) are attacked, GOLD and SILVER plunge as Jupiter Aft
Trojans (Jup AT) in present case are severely de-stabilized.
NOTE: For Achilles’ Heels, re-read my blog post #054 if 17 Aug
The current super Bull is mainly caused by the joint efforts of
Mars and Saturn. Specifically, it is the outcome of the Positive Mars-Saturn
Long Bar under persistent stimulation in the Curved (or Distorted) Space
of Jupiter. However, the Positive-Saturn Long Bar is rendered useless
(temporarily) in the last 10 days, as explained in Bear One.
Members of the Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar are made weak or
Mars is made weak
Refer to the Geocentric Mars-centered Ephemeris below. In early
Sep 2019 Mars is too close to the Sun. This is Mars Combustion. Investors on
Earth cannot see (with naked eyes) planet Mars because Sun’s glare hides Mars.
Bullish Mars influence cannot be conveyed to Earth investors effectively.
Saturn is made useless
The Geocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris below shows Saturn (in
early Sep 2019) is posited at 30 degrees in front of Jupiter. This means Saturn
is 90 degrees in front of Jup AT, which is [Saturn Square Jup AT]. Bearish Jup
AT are afflicted by Saturn. In this way, Saturn loses its bullish function. Indeed
Saturn acts negatively to arouse bearish influence of Jup AT.
Thus in early Sep 2019 the most bullish Positive Mars-Saturn
Long Bar is rendered powerless. GOLD should fall.
On the above Jupiter-centered Ephemeris, Jup AT are attacked by [Saturn
Opposition North Node].
In first 2 weeks of Sep 2019 Saturn and North Node are 180
degrees apart. Jup AT are in exact mid-point between Saturn & N Node.
Saturn & N Node act concertedly to severely de-stabilize Jup AT through the
following aspects:
[Saturn Square Jup
[Jup AT Square N Node]
Triggers actions are performed by fast moving Earth and Sun.
On the Heliocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris, the bearish
aspect is:
[Earth 135 Jup AT] or [Earth
Sesquare Jup AT]
is de-stabilization on Jup AT, bearish on GOLD.
On the Geocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris (lower down), the
bearish aspect is:
Jupiter Square Sun.
Jupiter is a bearish planet. Attack on Jupiter by Sun invokes
innate bearish influence of Jupiter. At the same time, Jup AT (children of
Jupiter) are made to oscillate wildly, making the market more bearish.
To summarize, Jup AT are severely de-stabilized creating the
sharp fall in the last 10 calendar day of Sep 2019:
The Positive
Mars-Saturn Long Bar is made useless.
Mars is weakened by
Jup AT are attacked
by Saturn.
N Node joins the
bearish attack by de-stabilizing Jup AT.
[Earth Sesquare Jup
AT] exposes investors on Earth to bearish Jup AT.
[Jupiter Square Sun] is attack on
bearish Jupiter by Sun.
The Sun-Jupiter System is completely de-stabilized. GOLD plunges.
One (Mars revitalization)
In 2nd half of Sep 2019, Sun (heavy red line) is
separating from Mars. To an observer on Earth, Mars is moving away from the
Sun. From now on, Sun’s glare no longer covers up Mars, and bullish Mars
influence can again be transmitted to Earth investors without impediment. This
is Mars Rising, bullish on Precious Metals.
A rising Mars interacts with Neptune and Uranus to form the following
positive aspects:
14 Sep 2019 Neptune Opposition Mars
20 Sep 2019 Mars Sesquare Uranus
De-stabilization of Jup AT by Saturn and by N Node are
detrimental features. Things change drastically from mid Sep 2019 -- Saturn is
moving away from the LEFT 30-degree line from Jupiter (marked in red circle). N
Node is also moving away from RIGHT 150-degree from Jupiter. Therefore Jup AT
are entirely free from affliction by Saturn and by N Node. The result is no
more down move.
From mid Sep 2019 to early Oct 2019, N Node is opposite to Saturn.
Positive Saturn is made more bullish by [Saturn Opposition N Node]. In
addition, fast moving planets are stimulating Saturn in the following manner:
22 Sep 2019 Saturn
Square Mercury
22 Sep 2019 Saturn
Square Venus
07 Oct 2019 Saturn
Square Sun.
To sum up:
Jup AT are no long
afflicted by Saturn and by N Node.
Attack on negative
Jupiter is over.
Mars is Rising, and
Mars is recovering its bullish influence.
Saturn’s bullish influence
is enhanced by N Node.
Both Mars and
Saturn are interacting with other planets bullishly.
The most bullish feature – Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar – is again
in command of the market. I expect GOLD and SILVER to soar from Mon 16 Sep