Saturday, 21 December 2019

Gold stagnates then skyrockets

Issue No. 063  Saturday 21 December 2019

Gold and Silver market is erratic in December so far.
Gold will continue moving in a narrow range for the rest of Dec 2019, but will soar from early Jan 2020.

There are 3 sharply bullish reasons for soaring market in Jan 2020:

Bull #1
The Mars-Saturn Long Bar (thick red line) is being persistently stimulated by positing at the Curved Space of super Giant Jupiter. This is an extremely Bullish Pattern for Gold & Silver.

Bull #2
Mars on 03 Jan 2020 moves to the exact opposite of Uranus to form [Uranus Opposition Mars]. The aspect is itself bullish.  It enhances the bullish Mars-Saturn Long Bar of Bull #1.

Bull #3
Uranus & Neptune join Mars to form a powerful positive pattern Mars 45D Triangle: Uranus.Mars.Neptune = 450.
Mars is pulled through a hard angle of 450 by Giant Uranus and by Giant Neptune. Positive Mars influence is thereby fully invoked.

Bull #1, Bull #2 & Bull #3 are inter-locked. They join bands to push up Gold & Silver to sky high.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  1. Which programs do you use to create the ephemeris graph and chart? I'd like to use the same or similar to create similar graphs for my research. Thank you.


    Please try above link.

    1. Great site! Have finally had a chance to use it a bit.

      Protractor -- Did you make that one? Made with Excel? Don't see it in the pages, anywhere.

      Thank you

    2. Self-made transparent templates are made to overlay the Fourmilab charts.
      Y Y

  3. Ah, that makes more sense! I'll do the same. Thank you!
