Saturday, 31 August 2019

Epic Gold Bull

Issue No. 055 Saturday 31 August 2019

"With the exception only of the period of the gold standard, practically all governments of history have used their exclusive power to issue money to defraud and plunder the people." 
 -- Friedrich August von Hayek

In the last post, we opine that Silver is a better investment. This is confirmed by the Price charts below. Gold is static but Silver advances 5.1/2% in 1 week.

Of special significance is that in face of surging US Dollar last week, Gold is able to stay firm while Silver rallies. It signifies a very strong Precious Metals market.


We mention last week of a 40 year maniac Cycle for Gold. Two of the components are Jupiter and Saturn.  Mars is the indispensable 3rd component as Mars is needed to join Saturn to form a Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar which is posited at the Distorted Space (Curved Space) of super Giant Jupiter.  The pattern as revealed on Solar Chart 1979-11-05. At the same time, bearish Jupiter must be segregated from Earth (for 6-8 months) by a Heavy Gravitational Wall so that negative Jupiter influence is obstructed from being transmitted to investors on Earth. The formula is:

        Presence of a Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar
+ Insulation of Jupiter by a Gravitational Wall to prevent bearish Jupiter influence from reaching investors on Earth
        = Soaring Gold market.

The Gravitational Wall is depicted by a Thick Black Line on the Solar Chart. It is the Mars-Neptune Long Bar backed strongly by Sun which is close to the Long Bar.

It seems the planetary pattern is much more bullish for Silver, which soars 5 times from Aug 1979 to Jan 1980.

By the same approach, we reckon during the current epic Gold Bull, Silver will soar 5 times from current US$18.40 per ounce to about US$92.00 per ounce.

To study the 40 year Cycle, Solar Chart 2019-11-05 is plotted below. It is then rotated 120 degrees (clockwise).

The markings on the RIGHT Chart are:
        [1]    Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar (Heavy Red Line)
        [2]  Strong Gravitational Wall (Thick Black Line)
        [3]    Positive Pluto-Saturn-Sun Long Bar (thin red line).

Now we place Solar Chart 1979-11-05 and Solar Chart 2019-11-05 side by side. Do you see the similarities?

[1]  Each of these 2 Charts has a Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar (Thick Red Line) posited at the Distorted Space of Jupiter (the Long Bar is just in front of massive Jupiter).
[2]  Both Charts have a strong Gravitational Wall (Thick Black Line) to separate Earth from negative Jupiter.
[3]   Additional bullish feature #1 on RIGHT Solar Chart 2019-11-05
       A “T” Formation, formed by joining (Uranus-Sun Brown line) and (Mars-Saturn Red line) at 90 degrees.
[4] Additional bullish feature #2 on RIGHT Solar Chart 2019-11-05
             Positive Pluto-Saturn-Sun Long Bar (Thin Red Line).

The current bullish scenario (2019/2020) is the supreme bullish planetary pattern similar to that of 1979/1980 (of 40 years ago) but different from other scenarios in that it contains within itself the accumulated positive forces of the whole Solar System. We consider all the outer planets one by one to assess their respective significance:

Mars is a member of the Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar (it is the Thick Red Line joining Mars and Saturn).
Jupiter is the mother of all crises. It is sharply bearish (when agitated) to the Gold market.
In present case, however, Jupiter functions (through Jupiter’s Curved Space) like an extremely bullish planet – Jupiter’s Distorted Space acts as a magnifier to immensely enhance the bullish influence of the Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar.
Saturn and Mars are bullish planets. Saturn is a key member of the Positive Long Bar. Saturn and Mars join hands (with the help of Jupiter’s Distorted Space) to elevate Gold to dizzying height.
Uranus is a neutral planet. On Solar Chart 2019-11-05 Uranus is strategically placed at a right angle (90 degrees) to the Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar to form a “T” pattern.  90 degrees is a “Square” which conveys efficiently bullish influence of the Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar to investors on Earth.
Neptune joins Mars (backed by Sun closely behind the Neptune-Mars Long Bar) to form a Gravitational Wall to segregate negative Jupiter influence from reaching Earth investors. This is a long term function (for 6-8 months), causing high inflation.
Pluto is a tiny planet. It is only mildly bullish because it is too far away from Earth.
In present case, as viewed from the Sun, Pluto and Saturn lie on a straight line (thin red line on the Solar Chart). In this way, Pluto is linked up to the Positive Mars-Saturn Long Bar. Thus all 3 positive planets of the Solar System (Mars Saturn & Pluto) act in concert to propel Gold to stratosphere.

Despite Pluto being tiny, it is Death personified. It also represents despotism, nuclear explosion, war, famine and pestilences. Pluto’s “contribution” to the soaring Gold market cannot be ignored.

The Positive Pluto-Saturn-Sun Long Bar is posited in front of Jupiter, and this Long Bar avails itself of the benefit of being stimulated persistently by Jupiter’s Distorted Space. For a long duration, it causes calamities (war, nuclear explosion, death, famine etc.), and should be sharply bullish for Precious Metals. Remember that Saturn is Satan. Should Saturn (Devil) and Pluto (Death) join hands, they often invoke wars or military conflicts.

I must confess I’ve found no precedent for this extremely deleterious planetary pattern. But logics imply that its presence play a crucial role in this epic Gold Bull.

It is instructive to read my ebook Curvature of Space to Forecast Super Gold Bull.

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