Saturday, 6 February 2021

Silver will again take off


Issue No. 094 – Saturday 06 February 2021

 After a dramatic spike, Silver settles back.

 From now on, the headwinds are over, and Precious metals should again take off, surging to end March 2021 initially.

We have discussed in the last post a bullish feature associated with a strong Mars.  We now turn to Saturn (another bullish planet for precious metals).

The 2021 Saturn Ephemeris below reveals a sharply bullish pattern.

Bullish planet Saturn is emphasized throughout the year by 2 neutral Giant Outer planets (Uranus and Neptune):

Uranus occupies LEFT 90-degree angle of Saturn.
        Neptune occupies LEFT 45-degree angle of Saturn.

Bullish Saturn influence is fully invoked through interactions with Uranus and Neptune. Gold and Silver are expected to rally.

The initial soaring phase is projected to end Mar 2021. During this phase, Silver will outperform Gold.

To validate our claim that Saturn stimulated by Uranus and Neptune is most beneficial to Precious metals , we study a precedent in 2016 (5 years ago).

The 2016 pattern is similar, with Uranus and Neptune occupying hard angles (135 degrees and 90 degrees) of Saturn. Similar pattern produces similar market trends.  Saturn is inflation personified, and inflation is the underlying cause of the soaring market for precious metals.

I favor Silver over Gold because Silver is the metal to be consumed in huge quantities in the coming years as electric cars are to completely replace fuel propelled vehicles.
