Saturday, 15 May 2021

Precious metals will soar for 4 weeks

 Issue No. 101 – Saturday 15 May 2021

Precious metals have broken out of doldrums (to the up-side) in the past 2 weeks. They are poised to soar for 4 more weeks.

There are 4 planetary patterns to support the contention of a sharply bullish market. These bullish patterns are marked (A) (B) (C) & (D) on the 4 Geocentric Ephemerides below. The graphs are plotted from the view-points of an observer on Earth. For Mars Ephemeris, planet Mars is placed at the center with other planets moving on either sides of Mars.

Similarly for the Saturn Ephemeris, Neptune Ephmeris and Pluto Ephemeris.

We explain these bullish patterns.

Bullish pattern [A]
Period covered: 2nd half of May 2021.
On the Mars-centered Ephemeris, the Sun is moving towards and crossing over the 45-degree angle to the Right of Mars. The aspect is [Mars Semi-square Sun] which makes Mars active, so that bullish Mars influence is conveyed to investors on Earth.

Bullish pattern [B]
Period covered: May & June 2021.
The bullish aspect is [Uranus Square Saturn] -- Uranus is posited at 90 degrees ahead of Saturn, bringing to us the positive influence of Saturn.

Bullish pattern [C]
Period covered: mid May to mid June 2021.
Neptune is the line in the middle of the graph. We see Venus (Green dotted line) and Mercury (Red dotted line) transit the 90 degree in front of Neptune. 90 degree is a SQUARE which enables effective communication between Neptune (“Musician”), Venus (“Dancer”) and Mercury (“Singer”). Mercury makes an “S” movement at that angle. Indeed, a concert is going on. Euphoria pushes precious metal prices higher.

NOTE: This is a Melody Formation. It is even more bullish for stocks.

Bullish pattern [D]
Period covered: End May to early June 2021.
The medium term aspect is: [North Node Sesquare Pluto].  Sesquare = 135 degrees.

Moon’s North Node is 135 degrees in front to Pluto.  Pluto is a slightly bullish planet. But here, Pluto is made prominent and more positive by Moon’s North Node.  There are 2 aspects to greatly augment the bullish influence of Pluto:
      01 June 2021 [Moon’s North Node Conjunction Sun].
      05 June 2021 [Pluto Opposition Mars].

Mars, Saturn and Pluto are the 3 bullish planets of the Solar System. They are all stimulated for about 4 weeks. High inflation will propel precious metals to the sky.



  1. Thanks for the good news. But stay safe in face of the surging covid. People are panicking in Taiwan and Singapore.

    1. Dear Scott,

      Take good care and get BioNTech vaccine injection.

      Best regards,
