Saturday 29 August 2020

Gold skyrockets coming week

Issue No. 083 - Saturday 29 Aug 2020

Gold bottoms out in morning of Wed 26 Aug 2020 and rallies in the rest of the week.

 In the last post, we opine that the explosive rise in Gold (and Silver) will be delayed a few days because of bearish Tue 25 Aug 2020. Accordingly Gold starts rallying from Wed 26 Aug 2020.

We expect Gold (and Silver) to skyrocket in the coming week (Week commencing Mon 31 Aug 2020) on the bullish features marked (with red circles) on the Geocentric Mars-centered Ephemeris below.

As observed, the last bullish transits are:

        Friday 04 Sep 2020         [Venus Square Mars].  Square = 900.

        Saturday 05 Sep 2020     [Sun Sesquare Mars].  Sesquare = 1350.

        Sunday 06 Sep 2020       [Mars Conjunction Moon]

Accordingly, Gold’s explosive rise spills over to the early days of the week that follows (Week commencing Mon 07 Sep 2020).



Saturday 15 August 2020

A Very Bearish Day

Issue No. 082 - Saturday 15 Aug 2020



Gold plunges last week.

We make the forecast a week ago that Gold will explode from 20 Aug 2020. On closer scrutiny, the commencement of the huge rise will probably be delayed a few days because of a very bearish day on 25 Aug 2020.

Jupiter is a bearish planet. When Jupiter is attacked vehemently, the fall in Gold is spectacular. The weapons to attack Jupiter are the (fast moving) Inner planets -- Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon.

As observed from the Geocentric Jupiter-centered Ephemeris, Jupiter is attacked by ALL the Inner planets on Tue 25 Aug 2020.

Glyphs are written below the Ephemeris. The relevant aspects are:

Friday 21 Aug 2020

[Jupiter Sesquare Mercury].

Jupiter is attacked by fast Mercury from 1350 behind Jupiter.

Tuesday 25 Aug 2020

[Jupiter Sesquare Sun]

Jupiter is attacked by fast Sun from 1350 behind Jupiter.

[Jupiter Semi-square Moon]

Jupiter is attacked by fast Moon from 450 behind Jupiter.

[Jupiter Opposition Venus]

Jupiter is attacked by fast Venus at Opposition (1800) to Jupiter.


The combined attacks are powerful. Furthermore a Lunar Phase (First Quarter Moon) joins the deleterious actions.

Jupiter is thoroughly de-stabilized. Gold nose-dives.

I maintain the expectation of an explosive Gold market from the last week of Aug 2020, only that it is advisable to avoid the bearish day on 25 Aug 2020.



Stocks should also rise from the last week of Aug 2020 for 2-3 weeks though the rise is unimpressive compared with that of Gold.





Saturday 8 August 2020

Gold will explode

Issue No. 081 - Saturday 08 Aug 2020


Stocks have been steady (though fall significantly in HK market). DJIA’s sharp decline is further delayed to the coming 2 weeks.


Gold will explode from 20 Aug 2020 for 3 weeks. In the mean time, Gold will adjust downwards.

The super bullish period from the last 10 days of Aug 2020 is the result of extreme agitation of (bullish) Saturn and (bullish) Mars, by the Curved Space of Jupiter, as depicted on Solar Chart 2020-08-17.

 A thick line is drawn from Mars to Saturn.  The Mars-Saturn line of graity is a positive Long Bar – The Long Bar is positive because the 2 planets are both bullish.  The bullish Long Bar is under persistent agitation by the Curved Space of Jupiter.  Jupiter is a super Giant, and the Space around Jupiter is curved which is created by Jupiter’s colossal MASS.  The Curved Space (present in the Red circle around Jupiter) stimulates the Mars-Saturn Long Bar. It is an extremely bullish planetary pattern for Precious metals. 

As seen from the following Mars-centered Ephemeris, Mars is also heavily stressed from end Aug to early Sep 2020 (3 red circles mark their points of stress)..


Mars-Saturn Long Bar by Jupiter’s Curved Space

+ Heavily stressed Mars

= Gold Soars.

 I expect Gold to fall next week to adjust the huge rally of the past month. Gold then SOARS from 20 Aug 2020.
